Sam's Blog entries for category 'perlbrew'
Perlbrew support in Emacs Flymake
Date: Monday, 10 October 2011, 04:00.
Categories: perl, ironman, perlbrew, emacs, flymake, perl-critic, emacs-flymake, emacs-flymake-perlcritic.
Good news for fans of App::perlbrew and Emacs Flymake: I've updated my fork of Flymake to include automatic support for perlbrew.
If you do a perlbrew switch
in one window, the next run of
Flymake in a Perl buffer will automatically update your $PATH
in Emacs with the changes Perlbrew made.
Emacs-flymake-perlcritic overrides the code that was changed, but has also been updated to take advantage of the Perlbrew $PATH sync if it's available. This means that if you're using both you'll need to update both to see the changes.
If you're wondering what either of these are, the article "Perl and PHP continuous static analysis with Emacs Flymake" may help explain.
Still Alive and What I've Been Up To
Date: Monday, 16 August 2010, 11:03.
Categories: perl, ironman, moose, git, pod-weaver, module-authoring, strawberry-perl, perlbrew, template-benchmark, job-hunting.
I've failed the Perl Iron Man Challenge again, but I'm still alive, just busy.
I've had a couple of articles semi-written for the past two weeks, but they still very much works-in-progress, because they're about projects that are still... very much in-progress.
So I thought I'd post an interim report in the style of the "What I'm Working On" posts that crop up every so often.
One project is getting Pod::Weaver to do what I want, as mentioned in my previous article, "To Dist::Zilla, or not to Dist::Zilla?", this has involved using Moose for the first time, Pod::Weaver for the first time, Pod::Elemental for the first time, Config::MVP for the first time, and Git for the first time.