Flymake PHPCS
Emacs Flymake PHPCS is a plugin for Emacs that hooks Emacs Flymake up to the PHP_CodeSniffer static analysis tool for PHP, providing you with on-the-fly feedback on code syntax, style and other warnings.
If you're familiar with the lint tools for various languages, this is what PHP_CodeSniffer provides.
You can find more on my GitHub page for Flymake PHPCS.
Recent blog entries for Flymake PHPCS
Perl and PHP continuous static analysis with Emacs Flymake
Date: Monday, 25 July 2011, 09:54.
Categories: perl, ironman, php, emacs, flymake, static-analysis, php-codesniffer, perl-critic, emacs-flymake, emacs-flymake-perlcritic, emacs-flymake-phpcs.
I followed with interest the discussion and excitement last month in a few Perl blogs about people discovering Emacs Flymake.
Being a long-time Emacs user this seemed really interesting to me, but I don't tend to waste a huge amount of time making outright syntax errors.
What I really wanted was something like the static analysis that a modern IDE does for you while you type.
So I hooked up Perl::Critic and PHP_CodeSniffer to Flymake, and here's how you can too.