Changes for sgMagnifier.js

This is the detailed ChangeLog for the sgMagnifier.js project, it contains all the changes, in painful detail, from version to version.

This level of detail and internal mechanics will probably only be helpful if you're interested in the internals of sgMagnifier.js, if you're after a summary or overview of changes, please refer to the documentation pages instead.


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v1.0.0.1 (Current Stable Release) (Current Testing Release) (Current Unstable Release)

Release Date: In Development. (Not available for download yet.)

  • Unrolled mousemove event for horizontal/vertical.

  • Unrolled slide() method for horizontal/vertical.

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Release Date: Sunday, 6 September 2009, 13:10.

  • Added Version property.

© 2009-2013 Sam Graham, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.